We won't witness anymore freedom.What does anybody do with freedom?I would rather fight,than let another die.We're the problem,but we're also the solution.
Зорко одно лиш сердце. Самого главного Глазами НЕ УВИИШЬ!! Сент-Екзюпери...
We won't witness anymore freedom.What does anybody do with freedom?I would rather fight,than let another die.We're the problem,but we're also the solution.
Зорко одно лиш сердце. Самого главного Глазами НЕ УВИИШЬ!! Сент-Екзюпери...
We won't witness anymore freedom.What does anybody do with freedom?I would rather fight,than let another die.We're the problem,but we're also the solution.
Зорко одно лиш сердце. Самого главного Глазами НЕ УВИИШЬ!! Сент-Екзюпери...
We won't witness anymore freedom.What does anybody do with freedom?I would rather fight,than let another die.We're the problem,but we're also the solution.
Зорко одно лиш сердце. Самого главного Глазами НЕ УВИИШЬ!! Сент-Екзюпери...
C Матемтики Физики ну и короч отдохнуть неполучитса
Лежу на кровати!
We won't witness anymore freedom.What does anybody do with freedom?I would rather fight,than let another die.We're the problem,but we're also the solution.
Зорко одно лиш сердце. Самого главного Глазами НЕ УВИИШЬ!! Сент-Екзюпери...
We won't witness anymore freedom.What does anybody do with freedom?I would rather fight,than let another die.We're the problem,but we're also the solution.
Зорко одно лиш сердце. Самого главного Глазами НЕ УВИИШЬ!! Сент-Екзюпери...